The role of cartography in the teaching of school geography, taking into account modern trends (on the example of Georgia)
Author: Saba ModebadzeCo-authors: Demetre Modebadze
Keywords: Cartography, Map, Geoinformation Technologies, School Geography
The era we live in is constantly full of innovations, challenges, and modern technological achievements. All scientific and non-scientific fields contribute to existing challenges. The modern system of education can be freely called the “age of spatial information.” Digital technologies have become a major enabler of any person’s needs, desires, or challenges. 20–30 years ago, the prospect of cartography becoming a major player in any field would have seemed unrealistic. Our reality today is as follows: the main method of visualizing spatial information is a map. A map that is a subjective reflection of objective reality. The map, integrated into all consumer and non-consumer fields through modern GIS technologies, has become an integral element of the digital world. Cartography and GIS education are important intellectual resources. Georgia played an important role on the world stage in this direction. This is the country that had such famous scientists in geography and cartography as Vakhushti Bagrationi, Aleksandre Aslanikashvili, and Niko Beruchashvili. Against the background of all this, the field is quite devoid of young scientists. The country is experiencing difficulties caused by a lack of young personnel. In school education, geography, and more so cartography, is not provided in such a way that the student is interested in discovering a field of incredible scale and great perspective. The school education system is depleted of the proforientation component. Students do not have the opportunity to get comprehensive information about the professional capabilities of a cartographer. The studies conducted prove that the number of interested young people who come to the bachelor’s level decreases every year. Based on the observations and research conducted, you will get a complete picture of the gaps in cartography and GIS education and the mechanisms to address them.
Lecture files:
The role of cartography in the teaching of school geography, taking into account modern trends (on the example of Georgia) [en]კარტოგრაფიის როლი სასკოლო გეოგრაფიის სწავლებაში, თანამედროვე ტენდენციების გათვალისწინებით (საქართველოს მაგალითზე) [ka]