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Geographical features of the spatial organization and development of Georgian sports

Author: Saba Modebadze
Keywords: Sports geography, geographical features, landscape components

In a country with such contrasting natural conditions as Georgia, there is a direct connection between the components of nature and society in the spatial organization of various sports. Specifically, we consider summer and winter Olympic sports. Here, we can only focus on which components are more sensitive to sports' territorial organization and which are less sensitive. The most popular sports in Georgia are: football, basketball, rugby, freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, and judo. It would be extensive to discuss the historical traditions of these sports in our country. Natural conditions affect not only the spatial organization of sports infrastructure but also the athletes themselves, which in turn significantly impacts the development and level of sports in Georgia. Sports geography, as a scientific direction, has been forming for several decades and aims to study the territorial distribution of those involved in sports as well as the spatial organization of sports as one of the new and growing sectors of the economy. Under Georgia's current conditions, it is impossible to conduct a thorough study of sports geography and determine any spatial-temporal regularities without an open, continuously updated cartographic-information system. The topic presents a geographical analysis of landscape components that are directly connected to and significantly influence the development and geographical distribution of sports infrastructure and sports in general in Georgia. These components are: the influence of geological structure and relief on the territorial organization of sports types; the influence of climate on the territorial organization of sports types; the influence of population settlement on the territorial organization of sports types; the influence of the distribution of economic sectors on the territorial organization of sports types; the influence of transport communications on the territorial organization of sports types; the influence of landscape on the territorial organization of sports types; and the influence of ethnicity on the territorial organization of sports types. The final result of the research is a synthetic content map, which will reflect, on the one hand, the spatial-temporal cause-and-effect relationships between sports types and, on the other hand, the components of nature and society.

Lecture files:

Geographical features of the spatial organization and development of Georgian sports [en]
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