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Mineralogy, petrography and geochemistry of quartz-porphyries and granite- porphyries of Khram crystalline massif.

Author: onise beridze
Keywords: petrography and geochemistry of quartz-porphyries and granite-

The Khram crystal massif is exposed in the terittory of Georgia. River of Khram basin and its tributaries. In the valleys of Chochiani, Kldeis and Aslanura, on an area of about 500km². The massif represents the outwashed part of the horst-like Azeves of the Artvin-Bolnis belt and belongs to the Black Sea Central transcaucasian terrane. The metioned massif is represented by the Cambrian gneiss-migmatitic complex, Lower Paleozoic metagabbros, late Variscan magmatic and volcanogenic sedimentari formations, pre-cambrian serpentinites and late Paleozoic sandstones of low metamorphizm are less widespread. We are interested in the late Paleozoic quartz porphyries of the Khram crystal massif, which have been studied in great detali. Tese rocks form strong silty bodies and occupy the highest hypsometrically. It is found in the form of massive, lenticular and dikes. The quartz porphyries intersected by numerous quartz and non-quartz albitophyre dikes, which are indistinguishable in color from the altered rock. Quartz porphyries and granit porphyries are spatially are petrochemically closely related genetically to late Variscan granites and upper Paleozoic volcanogenic sedimentary complex ( lower tuffites). The age and relationship of the above-mentioned rocks in still a matter of discussion. Geochemical study of these rocks requires the use of modern methods. In practicular, the content of rare and rare earth elements in rocks should be determined and the regularity of their distribution determined. The aim of our research is the petrological study of quartz porphyry of Khram crystal massif. In practicular the research envisages coverage of petromineralogical and geochemical issues using the latest equipment and modern methods. A detalied geochemical study of rare and rare earth elements was performed for the quartz porphyry under study.

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