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Study of the chemical composition of surface waters and sediments of the manganese mining area of ​​the Chiaturi municipality

Author: Anna Mosiashvili

Along with the increasing intensity of the impact of improper anthropogenic and mining industries , the issue of enviromental pollution by industrial waste is becoming increasingly relavant , so the goal of our research was to study the chemical composition of surfase waters.water and sludge from the manganese mining area of the Chiaturi municipality.The Chiatura manganese deposit is located on this territory , where manganese is still mined in the open pit. Mining has a major impact on the enviroment.Largo-scale mining activities typically involve deforestation and destruction of vegetation over alarge area.this significantly changes the landscape and affects the pollution of biodiversity. Our main goal was to determine the replacement ofmanganese in the Kvirila river, since in most cases the river flows black,which is caused by fact that the wastewater of the Chiatura manganese deposit entes the Kvirila river withaut treatment , which leads to the water being polluted with suspended paritcles and manganese compounds

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