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Study of the chemical composition of soils in the manganese mining area of ​​the Chiaturi municipality

Author: Ketevan Matcharashvili

In Chiatura, the manganese mining area and the living environment is not seperated, due to wrong decisions, harmful practices and other reasons. Manganese is mined in pastures, roads, village territories, near residential houses, and even directly in the yards of houses. Both old and new, abandoned and renovated mines and open pits are situated under and near populated areas, creating an extremely dangerous living conditions. Manganese is mined in an open pit manner, necessitating deforestation, changes in vegetation, landscape alterations, removal of humus, i.e., fertile soil, and causing pollution. These actions lead to soil degradation. Our goal was to analyze the soil of Sachkhere and Chiatura, identifying the main ions present. We paid special attention to the determination of manganese content in the soil, given the manganese mining deposits in Chiatura. While manganese ions perform important functions in the human body, excessive quantities can cause poisoning. Exposure to manganese dust and vapor, even for short periods, is harmful to health. This presents a significant problem for the population of Chiatura.

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