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Analysis and synthesis of electrocardiographic signals

Author: Ana nozadze
Keywords: Electrocardiogram, heart rate, cardiorhythms, van der Pol's equation, van der Pol's electrical model of the heart, Fourier analysis, wavelet analysis, correlation analysis, detrended fluctuation analysis, synchronization, synchronization of cardiac rhythms

The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to parametrize the Electrocardiogram and modelled cardiosignals with Fourier, wavelet , correlation and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) methods. Van der Pol's electrical model of the heart is discussed. Through the peaks and their correlations, we saw a sharp difference between the heart rate variability of a healthy and a sick person, which can be used in the diagnosis of diseases. In the case of wavelet, the advantage of this method was shown by the fact that we were able to see imperceptible, small arrhythmias. Cardiogram data were taken from the website Phisionet and processed in MATLAB.

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