
Study of the influence of Lead ions on the activity of ribosomal cistrons
Author: Khatia NadiradzeAnnotation:
Today, the biggest problem is the presence of heavy metals, both in the atmosphere and in the hydrosphere and soil. Finally, these heavy metals get into the body of living organisms, including the human body, which hinders the normal functioning of processes in them. Today, a lot of research is directed to the study of the impact of heavy metals, their effect on epigenetic processes will also be studied, because the development of any pathology is related to genetic disorders. Lead is the most important, toxic heavy metal in the environment. It has many useful properties such as its softness, ductility, poor electrical conductivity. It is also hard to oxidize. All this leads to its use in many industries. Lead is non-biodegradable, and it is still widely used today. That is why it accumulates in the environment. Based on the above, it is of interest to study the effect of lead ions on the change of chromosomal parameters. It is also of interest to study the activity of nucleolar organizing regions under the influence of lead ions, since we will have an idea of the activity of synthetic processes under the conditions of the above-mentioned metallic activity. Accordingly, the aim of the study was to study the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures of middle-aged individuals and to determine the activity of nucleolar organizing regions under conditions of exposure to different concentrations of lead ions and different durations of time. As it was found in the analysis of the results of the research, the impact of different concentrations of lead ions and different duration of time on the cells of human peripheral blood lymphocytic cultures has a specific character and the genetic parameters are markedly different in the mentioned cases.