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the study of the physical-chemical characteristics of Ninotsminda crude oil

Author: Mariami Samkharauli
Keywords: density, specific gravity 0API, kinematic viscosity, gas chromatography, characteristic

Abstract More than 1500 occurrences of petroleum and gas are known in Georgia, associated with rocks of different ages and compositions of the sedimentary cover. 18 hydrocarbon deposits have been discovered on the territory of Georgia: 16 - petroleum, 1 - gas condensate, 1 - gas. Studies have established that almost all known types of oil (paraffinic, naphthenic, naphthenic-aromatic, aromatic, etc.) are found in Georgia. The purpose of the presented research is a systematic study of the oils of Eastern Georgia: the study of the physical-chemical characteristics of Ninotsminda crude oil. The physical-chemical characteristics of Ninotsminda oil have been studied: density, specific gravity 0API, kinematic viscosity, percentage content of fraction up to 200 degrees (primary distillation gasoline, so-called "naphtha") and of fraction up to 350 degrees were determined. In addition, the spectral analysis of the crude oil using the infrared spectrometer (PerkinElmer SPECTRUM version 10.42) was carried out and the individual content was studied using gas chromatography (NETCHROM, "CrystalLux" 400M) according to requirements of ASTMD standards.

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