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The Recreative Resources of Mountainous Regions and the Perspectives of the Touristic Industry Development (In the Example of Upper Svaneti)

Author: Ana Chartolani
Keywords: Mountain tourism, Recreational resources, Perspectives of tourism

Mountain tourism is considered to be the fastest and most universal means of overcoming socio-economic challenges in the mountainous regions, therefore this direction has the opportunity to become an instrument of solving the challenges in the mountainous areas of Georgia. Due to the fact, that tourism is the priority direction of the economy of Georgia and the largest part of our country's area is mountainous regions, the importance of studying, evaluating, presenting, and managing tourist-recreational resources is increasing. However, the research on this resource has not been conducted yet. There is a similar need in the area of Upper Svaneti, which is eminent not only by the abundance of cultural but also by natural resources. The paper aims to study the tourism-recreational resources of Upper Svaneti and to present the development potential of mountain tourism, for which the specifics of the mountain regions of Austria and Italy and the successful examples of mountain tourism were reviewed. Also, the study of the natural resources in Upper Svaneti from a tourist point of view was carried out, such as the landscape diversity of the region, glaciers and hydro network, and forest resources. The opportunities for natural resource development and the necessary measures for it were determined.

Lecture files:

The Recreative Resources of Mountainous Regions and the Perspectives of the Touristic Industry Development (In the Example of Upper Svaneti) [en]
მთიანი რეგიონების ტურისტულ-რეკრეაციული რესურსები და ტურიზმის განვითარების პერსპექტივები (ზემო სვანეთის მაგალითზე) [ka]

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