
Bacterial microflora of the mouth and throat of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: characteristics, antibiotic and phage sensitivity and indicators of immune response to them
Author: Khatia MikeladzeAnnotation:
The increasing occurrences of chronic limphocytics leukemia and at the same time, te fact that the secondary infectional process is the most friquent reason of the death of CII patients, and the recearch of patogenicc flora among CII patients is not carried in Georgia becomes without in down the actuality of this recearch.The purpose of this project is to determine the opportunistic type of microorganisms and, at the same time, to try to select therapeutic agents against the background of increased antibiotic resistance of microbes.Finding the species of opportunistic micro organisms and at the same time. As it is known, phage therapy antibiotic together with one of them, if not the only one, is effective and at the same time a safe alternative, and there is no literature analysis about the effects of phage therapy in fleas. Accordingly, CLL Isolation of the patient's microbes and their antibiotic and phage sensitivity study. .sensitivess among as treaded as untreated patients and determine the passiple therapic potential of phagies to change with antibiotics in the schemes of patient’s treatment, especially on the ford of the petotipic changes in the phagocyt nucleuses, definitely do important bit in the recearching of CII. The interdiscipline view of this project the collaboration between the science of studing the life and medicine’s branches, is very important for the recearching of phatopisiology sickness. This project is carried into practice by collaboration of the Hemmatologic Centre of Tbilisi State University hawed by M. Zodelava, UoW, London, GreaT Britain. Gaining results can give us the opportunity first of all, to establish the imunies basises of inclinations towards the infectional compications, during the period of antibiotico resistance, should be give the recommendations to take place the anantibiotics with bacteriophages and at the same time should be appricated organizms antiphagic imunie reactions, which can decrease their theraphic effectiveness. Spreading the search of this basically will be implemented by the series of seminars with the determined audience, with the reports on the local and international scientific conferences and as well with scientific publications.