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Condensation of the Fischer base of dipyrrolobenzoquinoxaline with salicylic aldehydes containing a phenylazo group

Author: natia tsintsadze
Keywords: Spiropyran, Fischer base, condensation, dipyrrolobenzoquinoxaline

With the intent to look for new photochromic substances, the objective of the research was selected to be bis-analogues of dipyrollobenzoquinoxaline fisher base. There are a lot of known bis-spirochromenes obtained from this said compound. 2-hydroxy-5-azo-phenylbenzaldehyde was used in order to obtain new bis-spirochromenes. Ultraviolet, infrared and proton-magnetic spectra were taken and studied for the obtained bis-spirochromene, and based on them, the symmetrical bis-spirocyclic structure of the compound was determined. The new spirochromene did not show a sharp color change when going from darkness to daylight and vice versa. No color change was observed even as a result of ultraviolet irradiation. It is worth noting that the UV spectrum of the resulting compound shows absorption of UV light in the region characteristic of spirochromes. The bis-spirocyclic structure confirmed as a result of the reaction is energetically resistant to photochromic transformation.

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