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protective effect of nicotine Study on MPTP-induced neuronal injury process

Author: Nino Metreveli
Keywords: Nicotine, MPTP, Parkinson's disease

The development of Parkinson's disease - a progressive and prolonged ongoing neurodegenerative disease, whose initial signs indicate the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the compact part of its substancia nigra pars compacta and the aggregates of alpha-synuclein, etc. formation of Lewy bodies. The main therapeutic approach involves increasing dopamine levels through levodopa intake or inhibiting enzymes involved in dopamine metabolism, often with the use of monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors. Additionally, the use of acetylcholinesterase antagonists and N-methyl-D- aspartate (NMDA) receptor blockers to alleviate symptoms. However, these approaches only provide symptomatic relief. The text also highlights the link between tobacco use and the reduction of risk and progression of Parkinson's disease, suggesting that nicotine's neuroprotective effects may be associated with its interaction with nicotine receptors. Nonetheless, the exact role of nicotine in the disease's progression remains unclear. Overall, nicotine use is considered a potential high-risk factor for Parkinson's disease progression, although further pharmacological evaluation is necessary to elucidate its neuroprotective effects and molecular mechanisms, determining how nicotine contributes to reducing the risk of Parkinson's disease and slowing its progression.

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