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Reaction of nitrozilation of N-β-Butamben-2,3,4-try-O-acetyl-Dxylopyranosylamine”

Author: Mariam Kvernadze
Keywords: Reaction of nitrozilation of N-β-Butamben-2, 3, 4-try-O-acetyl-Dxylopyranosylamine”

Nitroso compounds as the nitric oxide generators play a prominent role in organic chemistry, they are actively assayed in the search for biologically active substances. The synthesis and study of new types of nitroso compounds is a promising and rational approach to the search for new potential biologically active compounds. The goal of our present investigation consists in synthesis of nitroso group (N=O) containing N-xylosylamine and Determination of the potential of possible biological activity. The formation of N-β-butamben-D-xylopyranosylamine (2) by condensation of D-xylose (1) with butamben in ethanol was studied at the first stage. By acetylation and subsequent nitrosation of compound 2 corresponding N-β-Butamben-2,3,4-tri-O acetyl-D-xylopyranosylamine and N-nitroso-N-β-butamben-D-xylopyranosylamine (4) with high percent of yield were obtained. The Reactions proceeds according to the following scheme

Lecture files:

N-β-ბუტამბენ-2,3,4-ტრი-O-აცეტილ-D-ქსილოპირანოზილამინის ნიტროზირების რეაქცია [ka]
Reaction of nitrozilation of N-β-Butamben-2,3,4-try-O-acetyl-Dxylopyranosylamine [en]

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